Sunday, April 27, 2008

Babel (20,000 Words)

So, I've come up with an idea for a new project called Babel (20,000 Words). The idea is to use wood, glue, nails, and collaged words to build a model architectural structure which I'll then tear down and re-build, then tear down and rebuild, etc. etc. As a starting point I've allocated a specific amount of scrap wood to be used in construction. I have to use all of the wood - once the wood is used up then construction is done.

Below are several photos documenting the first structure, as completed.

Here's a photo of the materials after disassembly:

Now I'll use the same materials to re-build, being sure to re-use all of the material. I'll then document the finished structure, tear it apart, then repeat the process.
When will the project be "finished"? I'm not sure - I think the project may be more about the process rather than any sort of end product. Maybe in the end I'll have some sort of model structure with an inherent integrity (don't ask me to define what that means - hopefully I'll know it when I see it), or maybe I'll end up with a pile of sawdust and paper scraps. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

J. B. Hurr said...

So, your dad was/is a very talented engineer/electro-mechanical genius and you are an artist that engineers... I see a synergistic connection here. I will observe and analyze...